Since January is the start of a new year - read a book that is the newest on your bookshelf.
Sticking with the new year theme - read a book that is by an author new to you.
A Secret Splendor By Sandra Brown
Another new year theme - read a book that is from a genre you have never read before.
January's birthstone if the garnet so read a book with a red cover.
Walking Shadow By Robert Parker
There are a lot of historical anniversaries in January - 150th of the underground railroad
- 225th of the first presidential election
- 150th of the Emancipation Proclamation
to name a few - so read a historical fiction book.
Molokai By Alan Brennert
February Monthly Challenge
1. The colors seen during the month of February are: Red, Pink and white. Read a book that has at least one of these colors on the cover.
Silent Night By Robert B. Parker with Helen Brann
2. Read a Young Adult book. Select a book about young love or first love.
3. Since we love all our NL members. Choose a book from any members Read List.
8 Sandpiper Way By Debbie Macomber
4. Valentines Day - Read a Romance or Romance/Mystery book. If you can select a book that has a Heart on the cover.
8 Sandpiper Way By Debbie Macomber
March Monthly Challenge
1) Read a book that takes place in Italy, the main character is from Italy or a book with some reference to the Romans - possibly a historical fiction or even from current events.
Meet Me in Venice By Elizabeth Adler
2) Read a book with an Irish character OR a book with lots of "green" envy (i.e. read a book with jealousy as one of the main ingredients of the plot). Or, just read a book with GREEN on the cover!!
The Innocent By Harlan Coben
3) March 1st marks 298 days until Christmas of 2014!! Since Christmas is my favorite holiday, please read a book about Christmas or any other holiday you prefer. Or, read a book about a "gift" or "giving".
April Monthly Challenge
1. April is National Lawn and Garden Month. Read a book that has a picture of any type of flower or tree on the cover.
Forbidden Falls By Robyn Carr
2. Easter is in the month of April. Read a book whose author's first or last name starts with E or A.
3. April Showers Bring May Flowers. Read a book that has one of the following words in the title: storm, thunder, wind, rain, lightning, cloud, or sky.
4. April 17th is High Five Day. Read a book that a fellow Novel Lady has rated 5 stars.
Missing You By Harlan Coben
Monthly Challenge for May, 2014
May 10 is Clean Up Your Room Day. If your bookshelf looks like mine, there are books everywhere that you’ve been “meaning to get to.” Pick one that’s been there “forever” and read it.
1105 Yakima Street By Debbie Macomber
Of course, May, 11 is Mother’s Day. Read a book featuring a mother or family of some kind. Or, if you get a book for Mother’s Day, read it right away.
Four Friends By Robyn Carr
May 17 is Armed Forces Day. Read something featuring a character in any branch of the military.
May 26 is Memorial Day, the unofficial start of summer. Read something you intended to read last summer but just didn’t get to. Alternately, just read a fun book set in summer.
Monthly Challenge for June, 2014
Since some famous authors were born in June
Read a book by one of your favorite authors. No need for them to be born in June.
The Wanderer By Robyn Carr
Flag Day is an historical event.
Read an historical fiction book.
Betsy Ross is the person who made the first flag.
Read a book that is a biography.
The Real Life of Mary Poppins By Paul Brody
June 21st is the first day of summer.
Read a book whose cover has something to do with summer. For example---beach scenes, beach umbrellas, picnics, pools, gardens etc.
1105 Yakima Street By Debbie Macomber
Monthly Challenge for July, 2014
1. July's birthstone is the ruby. Read a book with a red cover.
2. Read a historical fiction, or historical nonfiction, since July is named after Julius Caesar.
3. Lots of people go on vacation in July, read a book set in a city, state or country you would like to visit.
The Newcomer By Robyn Carr
4. Read a "steamy" book since July is such a hot month.
Monthly Challenge for August, 2014
1. August is Admit You are Happy month. Read a book with a happy ending.
The Chance by Robyn Carr
2. August is Romance Awareness Month. Read a romance novel.
The Chance By Robyn Carr
3. August 7 is National Lighthouse Day. Read a book with a beach setting.
The Chance By Robyn Carr
4. August 9 is Book Lover's Day. Read a book that one of your Goodreads' friends gave 4 or 5 stars to or has recommended to you.
The Chance By Robyn Carr
Monthly Challenge for Sept.2014
1. September is classical music month. Read a book that is considered a classic in its genre, or just considered a classic. Or read a book where music figures prominently in the story.
2. September 3, 1951 the soap opera Search for Tomorrow first premiered on TV. Read a book that is considered a family drama, romance, or a combination of the two.
3. On September 1, 1878 Emma Nutt became the first telephone operator. Interestingly, the 1st is also Lily Tomlin's birthday, the women who played Ernestine the operator on Laugh-In. To commemorate both of these, read a book that features a character that is considered a "smooth operator" .
4. On September 16, 1620 the Mayflower set sail from England for America. Read a book where the main character is setting off on a journey of some sort. It can be a physical, mental, or emotional journey. BONUS: September 6 is Read a Book Day, so.......Read a book, any kind, any genre whatever you choose!
Kiss The Girls By James Pattterson
Monthly Challenge for Oct. 2014
1) October 3rd is World Smile Day so read a book that makes you laugh out loud.
2) October 17th is Wear Something Gaudy Day. Read a book which you think has a "gaudy" or "loud" cover.
3) October 24th is United Nations Day. Read a book that takes place in a country outside of your home country.
4) October 30th is Candy Corn Day so read a book whose cover is white, orange, and / or yellow.
The Promise By Robyn Carr
Monthly Challenge for Nov. 2014
1. 11-1 is Author’s Day and Book Lover’s Day. Read a book by your favorite author or re-read a book you loved.
Angel's Peak By Robyn Carr
2. 11-1 is Young Readers Day. Read a YA book or a book with a youth in a major role.
3. 11-10 is USMC Day and 11-11 is Veteran’s Day. Read a book set during WWI or WWII or read a book featuring a Marine, active or veteran.
Angel's Peak By Robyn Carr
4. 11-8 is Cook something bold day. Read a book that has a plot that centers on food. It can feature a restaurant, bakery, food magazine, or a food critic.
Angel's Peak By Robyn Carr
As a bonus, it is of course Thanksgiving is this month, a time when family gathers to share a meal. Read a book featuring a family gathering or family relationships.
One Last Dance by Eileen Gouge
Monthly Challenge for Dec. 2014
1. In the spirit of giving and receiving this holiday season, read a book that was given to you.
2. Read a book that has a winter picture on the cover or is set in the wintertime.
3. In honor of Boxing Day, (12/26), read a book set in a British territory; England, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, etc.
4. Before you make a New Year's resolution for 2015, read a book that you planned on reading in 2014, but just didn't get around to yet.
January Letter of the Month
The letter for the month is "W." Read a book with a title that begins with "W" or an author whose first or last name begins with "W."
Fairy Tale Weddings by Debbie Macomber
Walking Shadow By Robert Parker
February Letter of the Month
The letter for the month is ""B" Read a book with a title that begins with "B" or an author whose first or last name begins with "B."
92 Pacific Boulevard By Debbie Macomber
March Letter of The Month
The letter for the month is ""U" Read a book with a title that begins with "U" or an author whose first or last name begins with "U."
April Letter of The Month
The letter for the month is "O" Read a book with a title that begins with "O" or an author whose first or last name begins with "O."
Just One Look By Harlan Coben
May Letter of the Month
The letter for the month is "R" Read a book with a title that begins with "R" or an author whose first or last name begins with "R."
Four Friends by Robyn Carr
June Letter of the Month
The letter for the month is "H" Read a book with a title that begins with "H" or an author whose first or last name begins with "H."
July Letter of the Month
The letter for the month is "A" Read a book with a title that begins with "A" or an author whose first or last name begins with "A."
August Letter of the Month
The letter for the month is "C" Read a book with a title that begins with "C" or an author whose first or last name begins with "C."
September Letter of the Month
The letter for the month is "F" Read a book with a title that begins with "F" or an author whose first or last name begins with "F."
October Letter of the Month
The letter for the month is "W" Read a book with a title that begins with "W"or an author whose first or last name begins with "W".
Mending Fences by Sherryl Woods
November Letter of the Month
The letter for the month is "B" Read a book with a title that begins with "B"or an author whose first or last name begins with "B".
The Beach House By Georgia Bockoven
December Letter of the Month
The letter for the month is "M" Read a book with a title that begins with "B"or an author whose first or last name begins with "M"
Moonlight Road By Robyn Carr
Read one book each month whose title includes one or more of the key words for that month.
* The title you choose can be a variation on one of the key words. For example- your title could include the word 'snowing' or 'snowflake' even though the key word is 'snow.'
* Key words can be tweaked. For example- You could read "Cinder" or "Ashes" for the key word 'Fire' and that would be just fine. If the key word is 'family' then your title could include the word 'sister' or 'mother.' If the key word is 'food' then your title could include the word 'cake.'
This challenge will run from January 1st to December 31st.
JANUARY ~ Angel, Secret, Clock, Black, Day, Wild
A Secret Splendor By Sandra Brown
FEBRUARY ~ Her, Life, Night, Red, Dark, Island
Silent Night By Robert B. Parker with Helen Brann
MARCH ~ Forever, Inside, Storm, Sky, Flower, Stay
APRIL ~ Star, Light, Never, Princess, Break, Clear
MAY ~ Dawn, Death, End, Lost, Beautiful, And
JUNE ~ Color, Beyond, Found, Place, Grave, Road
JULY ~ Crash, Ship, Prince, Whisper, Sun, Of
AUGUST ~ Forgotten, Down, True, Run, Danger, Me
SEPTEMBER ~ Number, Take, Shadow, Ice, Who, After
OCTOBER ~ Ocean, Blood, Still, Out, The, Fate
The Promise By Robyn Carr
NOVEMBER ~ Into, Sound, Blue, House, My, Last
DECEMBER ~ Kiss, Fire, Ruin, White, Promise, Infinity
The Stacks Challenge
Read 10 to 12 books that I have already purchased and have been meaning to get to, but for some reason, just have not gotten around to them.
The "rules" for this challenge are:
1. It has to be a book that I already own.
--> If I use the library (and do not own this book), it has to be 6 months or older.
2. I cannot go out and purchase a new book.
3. I have to have been meaning to read it for at least 6 months.
4. I can overlap any of these books with any other challenge.
5. Just One Look By Harlan Coben
This challenge will be starting in January 1st and will run until December 31st.
1. A Secret Splendor By Sandra Brown
2. Along Came a Spider By James Patterson
3. Fairy tale Weddings By Debbie Macomber
4. 8 Sandpiper Way By Debbie Macomber
5. 92 Pacific Boulevard By Debbie Macomber
6. The Innocent By Harlan Coben
7. Forbidden Falls By Robyn Carr
8. 1105 Yakima Street By Debbie Macomber
9. The Newcomer By Robyn Carr
10. 1225 Christmas Tree Lane By Debbie Macomber
11. Kiss The Girls By James Patterson
12. The Promise By Robyn Carr
New Author Challenge
1. Robert Parker
2. Elizabeth Adler
3. Louise Penny
4. Georgia Bockoven

1. A Book With a Mystery Silent Night By Robert B. Parker with Helen Brann
2. A Book With a Number in the Title 8 Sandpiper Way By Debbie Macomber
3. A Book I Heard About Online 8 Sandpiper Way By Debbie Macomber
4. A Book By a Female Author Meet Me in Venice By Elizabeth Adler
5. A Book Set on a Different Continent Meet Me in Venice By Elizabeth Adler
6 A Book With More Than 500 pages The Innocent By Harlan Coben
7. A Best Selling Book Missing You By Harlan Coben
8. A Book With a Blue Cover Missing You By Harlan Coben
9 A Book Your friend Likes Just One Look By Harlan Coben
10 A Book Published This Year Four Friends By Robyn Carr
11. A Second Book In A Series The Newcomer By Robyn Carr
12. A Book that is more than 10 years old Kiss The girls By James Patterson
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